205 PhD thesis in the history of science entitled 'Un modello algoritmico: l'Analytical Engine di Charles Babbage'
3 envelopes containing 98 items Collection of photographic prints relating to Bloom Street Power Station and National Grid Works in South Manchester
A large booklet giving common terms, descriptions and specifications for various oils used used as lubricants and fuels. Booklet - 'Lubrizol - Ready Reference for Lubricant and Fuel Performance'
Poster advertising the 1997 engine rally held at Astley Green Colliery Museum. Poster - 'Gardner 1997 Engine Rally'
1 box file Papers relating to Glyn Moody's essay 'The Greatest OS That (N)ever Was – Linus Torvalds and thousands of disparate hackers created Linux, perhaps the only alternative to Windows NT. It may be the greatest software story never completed.'
1 item Monsanto Backgrounder briefing notes "'The Roundup Ready soybean system': sustainability and herbicide use"
1 item House of Lords Select Committee on the European Communities "EC regulation of genetic modification in agriculture" second report
1 item "Handbook for action: Genetix Snowball a campaign of nonviolent civil responsibility" a guide for GM protestors on ways to remove GM crops without destroying farmland
Colour printed sales catalogue providing details and specifications of textile testing and laboratory equipment. Catalogue No. 10